Why hire Thomas Spayth Portrait Design?
Priorities! You are my priority. I’ve spent decades perfecting my art. I’ve been making a living with a camera since 1988. I’ve invested thousands in cameras, lenses, lights, and software and learning to use them. I’m not a simple shoot and burn to a disc photographer. Why have I done all that? Well, it’s because I absolutely love creating my art and I love making people feel good. When you’re happy I’m happy. So you are my priority!
Why don't you offer packages like a lot of studios?
A lot of studios lock you into pre set packages that actual end up forcing you to spending more to get all the portrait sizes and combinations you want. They design it that way on purpose. Which is not so great when you think about it.. . I let you build the perfect package for you and still reward you for investing more. I’m with you through the whole process to help you build the perfect custom package just for you. Let’s fill your walls with awesome portraits of.. well.. YOU… and the kids & hubby too of course 🙂
Is there a minimum purchase requirement?
Yes! The good news is that it’s now only 500 dollars.. it use to be 1 million dollars but Pam made me change it. What a bargain! 🙂
How long do sessions last?
Not to be flip but as long as it takes. Meaning we don’t rush you. We don’t book sessions too close to each other so we can focus all of our attention on you. Typically they take around 1 to 2 hours.
So what should I expect? Walk me through the process?
After you book us we talk more about what kind of shoot you want. I want to find out from you what you’re looking for and what you like. How and where are you going to display your wall portraits? What style of photo album do you love? We plan wardrobes, color schemes and decide if you want a hair & makeup artist to be there.
It sounds like a lot and it is, but I make it easy and painless for you. I’ve been guiding people through this process for a lot of years. Then, we do the actual shoot… you laugh… you cry (from laughing so hard). The point is you have fun during the shoot. If it’s hot and we’re shooting outside we do what we can to keep you cool (cold water, fans, shade, etc). If it’s cold we keep you warm (hot cocoa, blankets etc). We also may be shooting inside our studio where the weather is always perfect. We really try and pamper you. We want you to enjoy the experience and feel like a rock star. It makes for better portraits 🙂
Then in a week or so after I’ve edited the photos we plan a viewing consultation. I get you to provide me with some cell phone photos of the wall spaces you’re thinking of displaying your portraits. With our presentation software I can show you what your new wall art will look like hanging on your walls in various sizes and configurations. With my years of experience I can help you move through these decisions quickly and easily. You’ll end up with something stunning that you can’t wait to show off. This is when you see your portraits and make your selections. So it’s important for all the movers, shakers and decision makers to be present for that. Then I get to work creating and filling your order. In about 2 weeks or less your portraits are ready for your walls and your albums are ready for your coffee table.
What happens if it rains or I'm sick and I need to reschedule?
Well first of all if you’re sick I hope you feel better soon.. really. It’s not a problem. I ask that you notify us as soon as you can. We just reschedule you at our next available session time that works for you. We stay pretty booked up so it may be a few weeks before we’re available again. If it’s rain depending on the shoot that isn’t a problem. Unlike many area photographers I have an actual indoor studio. I also own a few acres of land with outdoor sets, many of which are protected from the weather. I understand that life happens and we’ll work with you.
Are session fees refundable?
Sorry, no. When you book us, we reserve that date for you and start turning people away for that time slot (and believe me it isn’t easy because folks really want these time slots). The proverbial wheels start turning the moment you book us as we start planning a memorable and productive photo session customized just for you (we really like to pull out all the stops). Besides, why would you not to want follow through and get awesome portraits anyhow 🙂 It’s madness I tell you!
When are you open?
Our business hours are Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm We do however have photo shoots outside those times. If you call during business hours and we don’t answer that means we’re probably in the middle of a photoshoot or with another awesome client. PLEASE leave a message.. I WILL call you back as soon as I can dedicate 100% of my attention to you and only you. You’re worth it to me 🙂 We’re all about personalized service and treating you like a rockstar!
Do you shoot weddings?
Not anymore . We did for 17 years. We’re a husband and wife team and we have two sons that are growing up too fast. Since weddings were dominating our weekends which is prime family time, we decided to take a break, be parents and not miss our sons growing up. We still book a session on a Saturday now and then but a session does not dominate our whole weekend. Will we shoot them again when the boys are older? Time will tell.
What's the meaning of life?
To love and be loved… That’s why God made us 🙂
Our clients LOVE us